Upcoming Sales

September 2024 Sales

Livonia MI September 6th 10-4, 7th 10-4 8th 10-3

Small and powerful, with plenty to offer, and great items all over the place.  This charming home, has plenty to offer, and lots of fun items to be found.  Yes found!!  Part of this Estate Sale is going to be a treasure hunt, as not all items are going to be priced, because we would be here until 2035 pricing things.

The garage and the yard do hold plenty of fun things, perfect for the upcoming (sorry about this) fall season (again, so very sorry about that).  Lots of daylight left, and that patio set is simply remarkable.

In the garage you will find a great bounty of items, just looking for a new yard to work in.

The home is simply packed with treasures, every nook cranny and cupboard.  I know that we say this about all our sales, but please do look around, up down and all over, you never know what you are going to find.  We are really good at finding and pricing, but at times, you are even better than that.

So again, we just started today 07/30/2024, and we will update as we go along

White Lake MI September 7th 10-4

We are back in White Lake for an encore performance.  This is one day, and one day only.  A full 75% off EVERYTHING!!!  That is right, one day and one day only, nothing held back, and everything must go.

This encore performance was a must, as this Estate is very generous.  We simply did not have enough time at our original performance so this encore performance is a must, and we could not be happier!!!

All of the best that Long Lake and Oakland County has to offer.

We have books, and bookcases.  Pillows for every creative and snuggy nook in your home.  Chairs, dressers, and the most amazing assortment of Christmas and Holiday items ever.

Those director bar stools, are certainly a must for any bar on the water or off the water, and at 75% off, your getting a great deal.

Livonia MI September 27th 10-4, 28th 10-4, 29th 10-3

You know we have to get the rules out of the way before we get onto the fun things, so here we go:

1)  There is NO PUBLIC RESTROOM available at this sale, please plan accordingly.

2)  Certain areas of the house will be closed off to the public.  So please pay attention to the signs.  If the sign says DO NOT ENTER NOTHING FOR SALE IN THIS AREA, please leave the door closed.  Let’s not make this weird.

3)  You will be responsible for the removal of all items from the home, including furniture.  Should you require assistance please bring help with you to move items out of the house.  But sorry at this sale, we do not have any personnel that is going to be able to carry items out of the house.

4)  Not all items are going to be priced, part of this sale is a treasure hunt, please be respectful of that.

5)  Please be respectful of the pricing, we price items to sell.  We do discounts, according to what the Estate wants, again please respect the Estates decision, and the fact that we are under contract with the Estate.


The saying goes….do not judge a book by it’s cover.  This could not be more true for this Estate Sale.  You might think that we do not have a lot to offer, but we do!!!  Just take a look at the pictures, and make your reality the truth!!!

Oh, and gentleman, this one is for you!!!  And please bring the ladies, because we have something for them too!!!